Wednesday, September 17, 2008

10 and counting...

I met with my accounting professor this morning to see how I could complete the incomplete that I so graciously received last semester, and decided to stop into the career center to get a little advice. For those who don't know, the business school has its own career development center, and they require you take two workshops before you can register on "Foxnet" and start looking at internships. I took the two, but wanted to go ask the lady who gave the workshops if I should take the interview workshop before I started to apply for internships.

Little did I know this ONE inquiry would change my college career.

First let me tell you that the woman I met with is black and she has to be one of the most dramatic people I have ever witnessed, I like her tho- ALOT, because she's honest.

So after I ask her my question she asks me a series of questions like what my major is, what industry I would like to work in, what my GPA is, and what activities I was involved in. After viewing the weirdest expressions on face and feeling like a complete slacker with the answers to those questions, we began to make something out of nothing. I basically found out that if I want a good job in the Marketing field, I need a really high GPA or have to possess super extra curricular activity powers. I have neither.

Because I'm not really passionate about Marketing, (I honestly don't know anything aside from what I've learn in the one once a week class of Marketing that I have had, which still means virtually nothing) I'd do better off majoring in Accounting. She said she wasn't trying to make me change my major but, realistically it would get me more exposure to employers. And anyone who knows me knows that I have no problem changing my major in a heartbeat. I came in as STOC, then I switched to entrepreneurship, then Marketing, and nowAccounting. I am taking 18 credts this semester (2 of which I'm making up from last semester) and HAVE to get four A's.

So, if you forget what I look like, its not because Im pledging, its because these next 10 weeks will be the most critical weeks of my life. I have to get my GPA back up so that I can apply for the best summer internships, that will get me the best jobs. Its time to stop being so damn lazy and right what went wrong.

Wish me luck

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Offically My Girl

First let me inform you all that I am still hanging strong with my heterosexuality, but THIS lil bitch is SEXY. I read a science study last year in the NY Times that said females are attracted to both genders. When they ran tests that involved a bunch of those suction cups to peoples heads and some erotic (hehe- i like that word) images projected on a screen, they found that all the females were sexually eroused (<-i like that 1 too!) by both male AND female images. Their straight male counterparts however, were only turned on by chicks.

So... I've justified why I can have wild fantasies about this pretty ass latina and still strictly be dickly. BAHDAMN! she's hot! from the little butt cheeks peekin from under the lace hip huggers, to her fly ass 3 finger ring, to how fuckin gorgeous she is.

Anyway... check out the video- its cute, Lil Wayne is in it for all you robots... Cassie- Official Girl (Anyone notice how she isnt in Ryan Leslie's Addicted to You, even tho she does the chorus? I heard they used to date, maybe they can't stand each other long enough to shoot a video? no wait..., that was around the same time she took me on this little vaca a couple months back, she actually sang the same song to me :)

Thursday, September 4, 2008

The Hitt-age of Shit to the Fan

(warning: any animosity that seems to reveal itself thru my words is intentional)

If you’ve spoken to me this semester then 9 times out of 10, you know that I fucked up last semester. I slept thru class, drank, smoked, flirted and partied my little heart out. So naturally, my grades suffered and earned me a 0.6 GPA; shouldn’t there be some sort of award for that? (don’t get the game fucked up, I still managed a 3.0 cumulatively) Anywho, I had my logical reasons for cuttin up, my parents were pretty upset but I thought it was worth the extremely large amounts of fun I had… until I returned.

Now, half the people I hung out with or ping ponged my way back and forth to, I don’t like. First, let me warn all Temple students that it may soon be impossible to breathe with all the phoniness congesting the air. I do not recommend that you stay in the SAC for longer than a half an hour, attend small gatherings in people’s homes, or mate with any of the students here. Avoid these things and you may just be safe from the toxic faux friendships that will present themselves.

It’s so easy now to just see right thru people. I can tell if you really don’t want to hug me or say hi, so just don’t. It’ll save us both time and energy, and I don’t have to feel bad for being uncordial. Please don’t think this is directed towards one individual or even group, it’s directed at you all. And there is no one thing that caused me to feel this way; it’s a series of events. And if you’re wondering right now if it cud b u I’m referring to, it is. It is however related to me realizing that I don’t need to have a bunch of friends to have fun or be content. I’m already content with the few people I speak to everyday, who love me and actually care about my well-being. And if you’re wondering right now if it cud b u I’m referring to, it is. I love you all, I appreciate your friendship.

Disregard this if you are a funny person, like hilarious, cuz I like all funny people, phony or not.