Saturday, December 6, 2008

Love in An Illusion

Because its the end of the semester, I've been spending alot of time in the tech. Because of all the cappuccinos i've been cheating the sac and sevelev out of, disguising them as regular coffee, i've also had to make frequent bathroom trips. In the women's bathroom in the tech (the big one), there are a few stalls that are graffitied with Temple girls' comments and thoughts. Yes, I do enjoy reading these while i release all the bullshyt that college life and men bring to my life.

While relieving, I read a response that inspired me. It actually changed my whole way of thinking and instantly cured the disease we all kno as heartache. The first writing said "love fails". It was reciprocated with "Love's an illusion, a grand complex illusion we all seem to think is the only thing that matters, bcuz it might be the only thing we can count on." True right? Well I've mentioned it to a few others and they disagreed and said there were different types of love. So im editing the quote and saying, "Being in love is an illusion".

And it so true.

Not kidding, the instant i read this nugget of knowledge, all the butterflies and bubble guts in my stomach from the difficult situation i was in disappeared. It was amazing. Thank You anonymous toilet poet.

So if you're in a jam right now, and ur trying to get over someone, just remember that it is all an illusion. And the most likely reason ur so upset is bcuz u miss the person that ur so used to talking to and being with. Ur brain is so programmed on thinking about this person, that it continues even wen u dont want it to. Stay strong and remember that ur all u got, so u gotta keep urself happy above all.