Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Tristesse Joie

Eh em... ; )
i want to formally show gratitude toward two genres that have craved my musical appetite. French Pop and House music. A recently reunited friend reunited me with reunion of a lil French group, Les Nubians. I used to love them in middle school and somehow knew all the words, even tho I never understood what I was saying.
Pardon me im rambling... proceeding ; )
Then I was watching MTV and their "artist of the week" is this French artist named Yelle. From what I've "YouTubed", I like her music. The french language is so intriging...sounding. Thru my tube journeys I stumbled upon a house mixed version of one of her songs. I bumped to it, SHUT DOWN, even broke into "the step" ; )

...it reminded me of cookouts, vouging and croussants.
o the treasures in life


B Harg. said...

Hey, was part of this a hint at me? I think I caught it. lol

the elegant Independent said...

all the winks are hints. they are all things that my friends hav said or often say.

Amachi said...

back in the day cook outs tho?
Nah. More like Woody's!
And the only French I heard was Mama Mia! lol
But I kinda dig it. Can't say imma download it tho.